Betekenis van:
chemical change


  1. Heating water does not change its chemical composition.
  2. Primary biodegradation: The structural change (transformation) of a chemical substance by microorganisms resulting in the loss of chemical identity.
  3. Functional biodegradation: The structural change (transformation) of a chemical substance by microorganisms resulting in the loss of a specific property.
  4. Information exchange on preparedness plans refers to generic preparedness and specific preparedness (biological, chemical, radio-nuclear and climate change aspects).
  5. Solidification processes only change the physical state of the waste (e.g. liquid into solid) by using additives without changing the chemical properties of the waste.
  6. alone or in combination with other agents, and without undergoing a chemical change, to dissolve raw materials, products or waste materials;
  7. If the flame retardants used have any of the R-phrases listed below, these reactive flame retardants should, on application, change their chemical nature to no longer warrant classification under any of these R-phrases.
  8. In 6A102, a 'detector' is defined as a mechanical, electrical, optical or chemical device that automatically identifies and records, or registers a stimulus such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electrical or electromagnetic signal or radiation from a radioactive material.
  9. Only flame retardants that are chemically bound into the polymer fibre or onto the fibre surface (reactive flame retardants) may be used in the product. If the flame retardants used have any of the R-phrases listed below, these reactive flame retardants should, on application, change their chemical nature to no longer warrant classification under any of these R-phrases.
  10. In 6A102, a "detector" is defined as a mechanical, electrical, optical or chemical device that automatically identifies and records, or registers a stimulus such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electrical or electromagnetic signal or radiation from a radioactive material.
  11. In 6A102, a 'detector' is defined as a mechanical, electrical, optical or chemical device that automatically identifies and records, or registers a stimulus such as an environmental change in pressure or temperature, an electrical or electromagnetic signal or radiation from a radioactive material. This includes devices that sense by one time operation or failure.
  12. Only flame retardants that are chemically bound into mattress materials or onto the materials surfaces (reactive flame retardants) may be used in the product. If the flame retardants used have any of the R-phrases listed below, these reactive flame retardants should, on application, change their chemical nature to no longer warrant classification under any of these R-phrases.
  13. This requirement does not apply to flame retardants that on application change their chemical nature to no longer warrant classification under any of the R-phrases listed above, and where less than 0,1 % of the flame retardant in the treated part remains in the form as before application.
  14. This requirement does not apply to flame retardants that on application change their chemical nature to no longer warrant classification under any of the R-phrases listed above, and where less than 0,1 % of the flame retardant in the treated part remains in the form as before application.
  15. ‘treatment’ means the mechanical, physical, biological, thermal or chemical process or combination of processes carried out on mineral resources, including from the working of quarries, with a view to extracting the mineral, including size change, classification, separation and leaching, and the re-processing of previously discarded waste, but excluding smelting, thermal manufacturing processes (other than the burning of limestone) and metallurgical processes;